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Denon ARC trouble - AVS Forum
Make sure you have an HDMI cable that supports Ethernet. ARC and Ethernet were introduced in HDMI 1.4, (2009, most cables must support it by now) Cables that support ARC usually mention only that they support Ethernet, but they will support ARC as well. Then encouragement and misc. details: I have an LG OLED B6 and an AV7704.

ARC connected but no audio (resolved!) - AVS Forum
Setup TV for ARC audio + control; Setup receiver for ARC audio + control; When I turn on/off the TV, the receiver is automatically turned on/off as well and when I control the volume on the TV, the volume indicator on the receiver goes up/down. So, power/volume control via HDMI/ARC appear to working correctly.

HDMI audio extractor vs eARC extractor | AVS Forum
ARC only supports up to six-channel compressed audio and has a maximum bandwidth of 1Mb/second. Since HDMI 2.1 has a higher bandwidth than HDMI 1.4, it can transfer more data faster. That means the audio signal doesn’t have to be compressed as much, and you’ll get better audio quality with eARC

HDMI ARC issues with Samsung Tv and Onkyo Reciver.
ARC is still quite often associated with CEC (same chipsets) so issues with CEC can and will affect ARC. CEC is not a standardized option so the device mfrs are free to implement however they choose to do so, which quite often creates incompatibilities and inconsistencies.

ARC TV and a Non ARC Sound Receiver - AVS Forum
An ARC-enabled AVR will have a menu option to allow selection of standard HDMI audio or the ARC audio for the HDMI input dedicated to ARC. If your AVR is not ARC-enabled, you can get the same audio by connecting an optical (or coax, if available) digital audio output from the TV to the AVR, as Otto mentioned.

Solution to Onkyo TX-NR636 ARC no audio problem - AVS Forum
Many people have been reporting getting no audio over ARC. I spoke to an Onkyo engineer, and she figured it out. The receiver was "losing" the TV. In order to fix it, I simply had to go into the receiver's menus, turn RHID off, and back on again. But it has to be done in a specific order for it to work. 1. Go into Hardware Setup. 2. Select HDMI 3.

Dedicated ARC Genesis thread - AVS Forum
Before ARC genesis, I found these discussions very helpful in adjusting ARC 2, however they don't really seem to apply much to ARC genesis. Although I am happy with the initial results from ARC Genesis, I am also interested in trying adjustments and learning what other users have tried and what their results are.

control but no sound from ARC - AVS Forum
Step 1. Make sure you have a high speed HDMI cable, older cables don't support ARC, should be rated as a 2.0 (18Gbit) or better yet 2.1 (48Gbit). Step 2. Make sure it is plugged into your HDMI Port marked ARC or eARC. Newer Samsungs support eARC. Usually this is port 3 and the other end to your AVR TV Out ARC or eARC port. Step 3.

LG HDMI ARC causes volume symbol greyed out - AVS Forum
I have a rx v4a amp and LG 55LB6500-TH TV. The audio works fine, but when I connect the arc [input] from the tv to the arc [output] port on the amplifier, and change the tv setting to arc for sound out, the volume is greyed out and I cannot adjust the volume nor hear anything from the amp. Things I have tried: 1. factory reset the tv 2.

HDMI ARC problems with Pioneer Receiver and Samsung...
ARC/CEC is a problem for a lot of folks because of the inconsistent way ARC is implemented across various mfrs. All of your devices need to be ARC capable for it to work so check to see if that is true. If it is, and you still can't get a single remote to work, then I would disable ARC on all of your devices and try a programmable remote.




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