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Computer | Definition, History, Operating Systems, & Facts | Britannica
A computer is a programmable device for processing, storing, and displaying information. Learn more in this article about modern digital electronic computers and their design, constituent parts, and applications as well as about the history of computing.

What is a computer? | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
A computer is a machine that can store and process information. Most computers rely on a binary system, which uses two variables, 0 and 1, to complete tasks such as storing data, calculating algorithms, and displaying information.

Computer - History, Technology, Innovation | Britannica
Who invented the computer? What can computers do? Are computers conscious? What is the impact of computer artificial intelligence (AI) on society?

Computer - Technology, Invention, History | Britannica
Computer - Technology, Invention, History: By the second decade of the 19th century, a number of ideas necessary for the invention of the computer were in the air. First, the potential benefits to science and industry of being able to automate routine calculations were appreciated, as they had not been a century earlier.

computer - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
A computer is a device for working with information. The information can be numbers, words, pictures, movies, or sounds. Computer information is also called data.

Personal computer (PC) | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica
Personal computer, a digital computer designed for use by only one person at a time. A typical personal computer assemblage consists of a central processing unit, which contains the computer’s arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry on an integrated circuit; computer memory; and various peripheral devices.

Computer science | Definition, Types, & Facts | Britannica
Computer science, the study of computers and computing, including their theoretical and algorithmic foundations, hardware and software, and their uses for processing information. The discipline of computer science includes the study of algorithms and data structures and artificial intelligence.

computer - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
Computers have proved to be valuable educational tools. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) uses computerized lessons that range from simple drills and practice sessions to complex interactive tutorials.

Computer - Output Devices | Britannica
Computer - Output Devices: Printers are a common example of output devices. New multifunction peripherals that integrate printing, scanning, and copying into a single device are also popular. Computer monitors are sometimes treated as peripherals.

Digital computer | Evolution, Components, & Features | Britannica
digital computer, any of a class of devices capable of solving problems by processing information in discrete form. It operates on data, including magnitudes, letters, and symbols, that are expressed in binary code —i.e., using only the two digits 0 and 1.




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