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Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
Learn technical skills to prepare you for your future. Find training, virtual events, and opportunities to connect with the Microsoft student developer community.

Training | Microsoft Learn
Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step-by-step guidance. Start your journey today by exploring our learning paths, modules, and courses.

Browse all courses, learning paths, and modules - Training
Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step-by-step guidance. Start your journey today by exploring our learning paths and modules.

Training for Azure | Microsoft Learn
Choose a traditional classroom training setting to learn on your own schedule, at your own pace, and in your own place.

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) Reference - DAX | Microsoft Learn
Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) Reference. Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a library of functions and operators that can be combined to build formulas and expressions in Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel data models.

Microsoft Learn: adquirir conocimientos que le abran las puertas en su ...
Microsoft Learn. Posibilidad de Spark. Adquiera conocimientos que le abran las puertas. Vea todo lo que puede hacer con la documentación, los cursos prácticos y las certificaciones, que le ayudarán a sacar el máximo partido a los productos de Microsoft.

Training for Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
Learn how you can use Dynamics 365 to meet today’s challenges by bringing your customers and business together with the next generation of CRM and ERP applications.

Microsoft Learn: desarrolle habilidades que le abran puertas en su carrera
Microsoft Learn. Cree posibilidades. Desarrolle habilidades que abran puertas. Vea todo lo que puede lograr con documentación, entrenamiento práctico y certificaciones para ayudarle a aprovechar al máximo los productos de Microsoft.

Get skilled up and ready on Microsoft AI | Microsoft Learn
Learn how to use a prompt flow, collaborate with others through hubs and projects, integrate fine-tuned models, and work with Azure AI models.

Credentials | Microsoft Learn
Learn about the wide range of Microsoft credentials available to validate and showcase your proficiency. Browse credentials




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