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    * Latest "Pythagorean" News * 


On Shared Birthdays (and a Bit on Pythagorean Triplets) • Pythonic Code

Two Teens Used Trigonometry to Prove the Pythagorean Theorem After So Many Experts Couldn't  Popular Mechanics

Two teenagers have once again proved an ancient math rule  Science News Magazine

Two teens have proved an ancient math rule — again  Science News Explores

Two American Teenage Girls Challenge 2,000 Years of Mathematics with a Groundbreaking Proof of Pythagoras’ Theorem  The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel

Louisiana students who solved the Pythagorean theorem discover nine more solutions to it

High school students who came up with 'impossible' proof of Pythagorean theorem discover 9 more solutions to the problem

UPDATE: High Schoolers Who Found 'Impossible' Proof of Pythagorean Theorem Discover 9 More Solutions to it  Good News Network

Students discover and publish unexpected proof for 2,000-year-old mathematical theory  CNN

The Pythagorean Theorem Is Actually 1,000 Years Older Than Pythagoras  IFLScience

Ancient Chinese proved the Pythagorean theorem in 17 characters: mathematician  South China Morning Post

Teens who solved 2,000-year-old math puzzle expand on their work in publication  CBS News

High school students prove the Pythagorean Theorem with trigonometry and get published  The Brighter Side of News

LSU Freshman Discovers New Pythagorean Theorem Proof While in High School  Louisiana State University

Teens who made history with Pythagoras’ theorem discovery publish their first academic paper with new proofs  EurekAlert

     Internet Search Results 


Pythagorean theorem - Wikipedia
In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras' theorem is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry between the three sides of a right triangle. It states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.

Pythagorean Theorem Calculator
What is the Pythagorean Theorem? The Pythagorean Theorem states that the sum of the squared sides of a right triangle equals the length of the hypotenuse squared. You might recognize this theorem in the form of the Pythagorean equation: \[ a^{2} + b^{2} = c^{2} \]

Pythagorean theorem | Definition & History | Britannica
Pythagorean theorem, the well-known geometric theorem that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square on the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle)—or, in familiar algebraic notation, a 2 + b 2 = c 2.

Pythagoras' Theorem - Math is Fun
When a triangle has a right angle (90°) ... ... and squares are made on each of the three sides, ... ... then the biggest square has the exact same area as the other two squares put together! It is called "Pythagoras' Theorem" and can be written in one short equation: Note:

Pythagorean Theorem Calculator
Pythagorean Theorem calculator to find out the unknown length of a right triangle. It can provide the calculation steps, area, perimeter, height, and angles.

Pythagorean Theorem -
The Pythagorean Theorem shows the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. It states that for a right triangle, the sum of the areas of the squares formed by the legs of the triangle equals the area of the square formed by the triangle's hypotenuse .

Pythagorean Theorem | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki
The Pythagorean theorem states that if a triangle has one right angle, then the square of the longest side, called the hypotenuse, is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two shorter sides, called the legs.

Pythagorean (Pythagoras) Theorem – Definition, Formula, & Examples
The Pythagorean Theorem, also known as Pythagoras theorem is a mathematical relation between the 3 sides of a right triangle, a triangle in which one of 3 angles is 90°. It was discovered and named after the Greek philosopher and mathematician of Samos, Pythagoras.

Pythagorean Theorem - Definition, Formula, Problems - Science Notes and ...
The Pythagorean theorem states the sum of the squares of the sides of a right triangle equals the square of its hypotenuse. In mathematic, the Pythagorean theorem states that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of its other two sides.

Introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem - MIT
Introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem Page 2 Pythagorean Theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem states that the sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle equals the square of its hypotenuse. In other words, a2 + b2 = c2; where aand bare the lengths of the two legs and cis the length of the hypotenuse. a b c Example 2.




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