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Insert a signature - Microsoft Support
How to add a signature to your Word documents. You can also use the Signature Line command in Word to insert a line to show where to sign a document.

Insert degree symbol - Microsoft Support
Learn how to insert the degree symbol on your keyboard with ease. Our step-by-step guide makes it easy to add the degree symbol to your documents. Try it now!

Keyboard shortcuts in Word - Microsoft Support
Using an external keyboard with keyboard shortcuts in Word may help you work more efficiently. For people with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than using a touchscreen, and are a helpful alternative to using a mouse. The shortcuts in this topic refer to the US keyboard layout.

Insert mathematical symbols - Microsoft Support
Insert mathematical symbols into equations or text with the equation tools.

Insert a symbol in Word - Microsoft Support
You can easily insert a special character, fraction, or other symbol in your Word documents. The most important thing to understand when inserting symbols, fractions, special characters, or international characters is that the font you use is critical. Not all fonts have the same characters in them.

Draw a curve or circle shape - Microsoft Support
This article discusses drawing curves, circles, and ovals. For information about drawing lines, see Draw or delete a line or connector. For information about freeform shapes and editing points in shapes, see Draw or edit a freeform shape. On the Insert tab, click Shapes. Under Lines, click Curve.

Delete a footnote, endnote, or separator - Microsoft Support
Adding footnotes and endnotes in Word isn’t difficult; removing one, some, or even all, is even easier. You can also remove the line that separates footnotes and endnotes from body text. Important: It’s the reference number or mark that you delete (in the body of the text), NOT the footnote or endnote itself.

Insert degree symbol - Microsoft Support
Learn how to insert the degree symbol on your keyboard with ease. Our step-by-step guide makes it easy to add the degree symbol to your documents. Try it now!

Convert your Ink to Shapes and Math Equations - Microsoft Support
Ink to Shape can help users create diagrams, charts, graphs, or sketches more easily and accurately, and edit or resize them as needed. The Ink to Math feature in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote for Windows allows you to convert your handwritten math equations into typed numbers and symbols.

Insert a check mark symbol - Microsoft Support
You can easily insert a check mark (also known as a "tick mark") in Word, Outlook, Excel, or PowerPoint. These marks are static symbols. If you're looking for an interactive check box that you can click to check or uncheck, see: Add a check box or option button (Excel) or Make a checklist in Word.




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