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Vertex Calcium Reactor Pump Replacement Build | Reef2Reef
Apparently, Vertex sourced Sicce Syncra 1.5's as the pump, and outfitted it with custom metric fittings. I was able to source (from China) matches for the PVC fittings, and I modified some Home Depot PVC connections to make a near exact clone of the Vertex OEM pump. I hit a bunch of snags in trying to reengineer the pump. Here's the process: 1.

Quietest Protein Skimmer (My Vertex Omega 150 is too loud!)
I purchased a Sicce 3.0 as my return and the thing had a very faint knocking noise, so I went to the LFS and was told to try out a RIO 2500 and it's 1/3 of the noise the Sicce made (I can't believe it!). I also purchased the new Vertex Omega 150 and the humming of pump is almost too much.

where to find vertex skimmer replacement parts? | Reef2Reef
Good morning all and Happy new year! i'm having a little trouble finding replacement parts for my vertex 180i skimmer. i have searched the web, LFS,BRS,Marinedepot, also tried going through vertex itself and can't seem to find replacement parts for it, just finding brand new skimmers which i'm not interested in.

Vertex omega 150 replacement pump | Reef2Reef
My vertex omega 150 pump impeller has some ceramic that chipped off. I was interested in a replacing the whole pump if possible. Quick search got me the tunze 9420 but I didn't know if another pump could work. Or if a aftermarket impeller shaft is available and a option. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

My trusty old Vertex RODI unit has died... | Reef2Reef
One of my favorite reef equipment investments to date has been my Vertex Puratek Deluxe 200 GPD RODI system. Today it seems to have finally died. I'm not mechanically inclined enough to diagnose it for sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's the solenoid or the brain that has quit working.

Vertex Mocean 2000 & 3500 | Reef2Reef
The new Vertex Mocean 2000 & 3500 are now available for those of you looking for an oscillating return device. If this product looks somewhat familiar to you it is because these were marketed at one time under the name "Wavy Sea". During that time quality control of the product was somewhat...

Parts for Vertex Illumina for sale | Reef2Reef
Good working parts. VLink, power supply, 260 level LED pads.

DC Pumps: Ecotech vs. Royal Exclusiv vs. Abyzz | Page 2 | Reef2Reef
I hear and feel every vibration. Hate it. Also, it's cramped in the sump so a small size helps. I can't justify 1k on a 90g. The red dragon mini 80 may be it from what you guys are saying unless the heat from the vectras is ok. Then it's difficult to beat the "value". The vertex is too small IMO.

Coral Box D300/500/700 skimmers | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater and ...
Who has them? What do you think? How would you rate these against some of the bigger names like Reef Octopus and Vertex? I just impulsively ordered a D700 for my 45 gallon frag tank that is going up with a 40 breeder sump so maybe 60-65 gallons total.

Bubble Magus Curve 5 Skimmer Review - Reef2Reef
The bubble plate is held to the pump using the output nut on the pump itself. The rest of the bubble plate assembly is held together by a single nylon screw that was correctly aligned and threaded. The water level adjustment tube is very well marked (much better than the Vertex) and is very easy to adjust. 4. Function: So far so good.




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